Wednesday, 15 April 2009


One thing I totally disagree with is a 'multi hatted' representatives. There are a number of Representatives fitting this category.

If someone is, for example, a District and County Councillor, a Cabinet member at one of the level and a Portfolio Holder at another, just tot up what they may be getting in terms of 'expenses'.

There will be a 'basic' allowance at both levels, a Special Responsibility Allowance with each of the other two positions. These allowances can total a rather substantial amount and the recipient may not even do a huge amount of work, as they know that they're in for the term. So what if they get voted out next time, they've had a reasonable run for your money.

If the job is being done properly at one level, then it doesn't really leave that member much time to do much else. There is the argument that being multi hatted means that you can influence decisions all the way along the line, but that is only applicable if you're a one issue member and once that issue is resolved where do they go from there?

To really be effective and work properly for the community it is preferable that the member hold only one position at a time. The multi hatted member won't take up places on some Committees, well, there's just so many days in a week and they have to sit on Committees of the council that they wish to impress! So one Council ends up with, possibly, a lack of members on some committees.

Where meetings may clash, which one does the multi hatter attend? Which Council gets priority?

There is another problem, if that member knows something that is a Part II item, information not in the public domain, at one level, it could be used to influence decisions at another level. I have seen this happen.

If you have a Parish/Town Council - 15 members, District Councillor for that area - 5 members and 1 County Councillor, that is, potentially 21 individuals to work on behalf of that community.

If we introduce our multi hatted friends that could reduce the number of total members down to 15.

I don't know of any MP/MEP that wear more than one hat, do you? So why do they feel that it is acceptable at local level?

Bearing in mind that many of these members have to go out and earn a crust like a majority of people. Which leaves us with the 'Career Politicians' or the retired 'Party' members who wish to bump up their pensions.

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